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UAIS Spring Invitational

High school tournament on March 25, 2023

Host location: Utica Academy for International Studies

Address: 37400 Dodge Park, Sterling Heights, Michigan 48310

Field cap: 24 teams

We will run standard NAQT rules with 20-minute matches. Minimum of 8 games per team. Planned to run from 8:30 am to 4 pm.

Register at www.naqt.com/registration/register.jsp or email me with any questions.

We will have two divisions, the upper division will use IS #213; the lower will use 218-A

Entry information

Team entry fees per school

  • Base fee per team: $90
  • Team limit: 4 teams per school


  • Buzzer discount: -$10 per working buzzer system

Additional entry information

Two teams per division max.

This entry is owned by William Dobbie.