Purdue Collegiate Novice Invitational (10/12/24)

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Purdue Collegiate Novice Invitational (10/12/24)

Post by Halinaxus »

The Purdue University Quiz Bowl Team is excited to announce that we will be hosting an NAQT Collegiate Novice Invitational at our West Lafayette campus on Saturday, October 12th, 2024!

This tournament will use NAQT's CNS-231C set, which is converted from a high school difficulty IS set. For this reason, high school teams may not play or otherwise attend.

Matches will be 4-on-4, though more players can rotate in and out as substitutions. We recommend that schools with more than six players split into multiple teams. Games will consist of two 10-tossup halves with 3-part bonuses. There will be 15-point powers for early answers and 5-point negs for incorrect answers before the end of a tossup. There are no bouncebacks on bonuses. The CNS-231C set does not have any computational math questions.

Registration will be through NAQT. If you have any questions or need any assistance, email [email protected], and we will get back to you as soon as possible. The finalized schedule will be sent out closer to the day of, but a rough duration would be from 8:30am to sometime around 4pm, with included lunch break. Registration closes at 11:59 pm on Wednesday, October 9th.

This tournament is intended for novice players. If you meet any of the following eligibility restrictions and wish to play the tournament, please contact [email protected] in advance:

1. You have averaged three powers per game or more at a tournament on regular high school difficulty or harder questions.
2. You have averaged one power per game or more at HSNCT, PACE NSC, or any non-novice collegiate set (including "1.5 dot" sets like Divison II SCT).
3. You have qualified for or played at ICT or ACF Nationals, except for community college teams that qualified for ICT via CCCT.

If you meet rule 3 but did not contribute a substantial portion of your team's scoring, you are particularly encouraged to apply for an exemption.

Payment can be made by cash, accepted the day of the tournament, or by a check made out to "Purdue University Quiz Bowl Team." We will send an invoice with instructions to each team that registers. Please contact us if this system does not work for you.

Fees and Discounts
Registration: $80 per team
-$10 for each buzzer set with at least 8 functional buzzers
-$25 per team-provided staffer
-$10 for teams located over 100 miles away as determined by NAQT

The minimum fee is $50/team. Shorthanded teams (1-2 players) are automatically discounted to the minimum fee.

If the Purdue Collegiate Novice Invitational sounds of interest to you or your team, don’t hesitate to sign up! For any further questions, please reach out to us at [email protected]. Thank you for your interest, and happy buzzing!
Reilly Melville
Chaska High School '22
Purdue University '26
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Re: Purdue Collegiate Novice Invitational (10/12/24)

Post by Halinaxus »

The original post has been updated to clarify that "1.5 dot" sets like Division II SCT are considered non-novice for eligilbity restriction purposes.
Reilly Melville
Chaska High School '22
Purdue University '26
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