We are pleased to announce that Yale will be hosting a mirror of NAQT Collegiate Novice on Saturday, September 28th. Collegiate Novice is derived from a NAQT IS set, with some new questions being written to fit NAQT’s collegiate distribution and to replace material that is best suited for high schoolers. I, Matthew Siff, and Jem Burch will be the tournament directors.
Please register using NAQT's registration system at the link here.
This tournament is meant for novice and casual players. We want to err on the side of letting people play, but still reserve the right to make final eligibility determinations -- if you have questions about players' eligibility, please reach out to me and Jem.
Fees and Payment
$120 per team
-$10 per team for subsequent teams
-$10 per buzzer (we must approve all buzzer discounts)
-$20 per team-provided staffer with functioning laptop
-$40 per team from program new to quizbowl (please get in touch if you think you qualify for this discount)
-$10 per 200 miles traveled to New Haven
If you drop from the tournament after Thursday, September 26th at 12:01 AM or whenever we seed this tournament, whichever is later, you will owe your entire registration fee.
We require payment from all teams before Round 1 begins unless your institution is unable to meet that deadline. If that is the case for your school, please let us know ahead of time.
Schedule and Logistics
We are in the process of reserving rooms for this tournament and will update this post when we have confirmed room reservations. The opening meeting for the tournament will begin precisely at 9:40 AM; teams from New York can take the 7:02 train from Grand Central and walk briskly from the station. We will plan on ending the tournament in time for Boston-area teams to take the 6:51 train from New Haven.
Our initial field cap is 16 teams, which we would love to expand if there is more interest. An up-to-date field list can be found here
If you have any questions, please email me at [email protected] and Jem at [email protected]. We look forward to seeing you in New Haven in September!
2024 Collegiate Novice @ Yale [September 28th]
2024 Collegiate Novice @ Yale [September 28th]
Matthew Siff
Georgetown Day School '20
Yale University '25
Georgetown Day School '20
Yale University '25