The tournament will take place in Dey Hall. The opening meeting will begin at 8:45 AM and gameplay will begin at 9 AM. I, Jonathan Shauf, will be the tournament director. Please direct any questions about this site to me at [email protected].
To make this tournament more accessible to new teams and players, ACF is enforcing eligibility guidelines for ACF Fall. Players are not eligible to compete at 2024 ACF Fall if, at any point, they:
- Scored more than 60 PPG in the prelims of a college mirror of ACF Fall, OR
- Were the top scorer (highest overall PPG) on a team that finished in the top 15% of the field, rounded up, at ACF Fall, OR
- Scored more than 60 PP20TUH in the prelims of HSNCT or 60 PPG in the prelims of PACE NSC, OR
- Were the top scorer (highest overall PPG) on a team that finished in the top 30 at HSNCT or top 10 at PACE NSC, OR
- Finished in the top 12 in IPNCT
- Scored more than 20 PPG in the prelims of ACF Nationals
Players are responsible for determining their own eligibility. If you have questions, email [email protected]. Failure to abide by these eligibility guidelines may result in disqualification from ACF Fall and/or future ACF tournaments.
This tournament will follow ACF’s official gameplay rules. Rules specifically pertaining to online tournaments have been rendered in blue.
Fill out the central 2024 ACF Fall registration form with all relevant information. The field for each site can be found here.
If possible, teams should register for the site that is geographically closest to them and/or is in the region they would normally attend. The field cap is 24, after which teams will be placed on a waitlist or potentially assigned to another site. Please register by October 10, 2024.
- Base fee per team: $120
- New to quizbowl discount*: −$80
- Shorthanded discount (1–2 players): −$60
- Travel discount: −$10 per 200 miles traveled one-way {in-person only}
- Buzzers: −$10 per functional buzzer system {in-person only}
- Staffers: −$25 per staffer with a functional laptop. Staffers must register with ACF in advance by filling out this form.
*The new to quizbowl discount is intended for schools that have not sent a team to any mainstream collegiate academic tournament (not counting exclusively novice tournaments) since September 2023, and which have no players who competed in non-novice collegiate tournaments during that same period.